About Us
About Company
Ken-sary Refinery is one of the leader of the Kazakhstan oil industry and the largest publicly traded oil company in the world*. The Company's core activities include hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration, production of oil, gas and gas condensate, implementation of offshore field development projects, refining, sales of oil, gas and refined products in Kazakhstan and abroad. The Company is included in the list of Kazakhstas strategic enterprises. Its main shareholder (40.4% of shares) 100% state-owned, 19.75% belongs to BP Kazakhstan Investments Limited, 18.46% to QH Oil Investments LLC, and one share belongs to the state represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management
Exploration work in 2020 resulted in the discovery of 208 new deposits and 19 new fields with AB1C1+B2C2 hydrocarbon reserves in the amount of more than 2 billion toe. The results of prospecting and appraisal drilling on the Kara Sea shelf led to the discovery of 2 new unique Arctic fields (Zhukov gas field and Rokossovsky gas condensate field) with total reserves of 1.3 trillion cubic meters of gas and 55 million tons of condensate. As part of the Vostok Oil Project, a unique Zapadno-Irkinskoye field with more than 600 mmtoe of C1+C2 hydrocarbon reserves was discovered on the Taimyr Peninsula.

Our Most Efficient Year
Kazakhstan oil enterprises must be adept at managing market, financial, and operational risks given its status as a global leader in the trading of commodities and energy. In order to address every risk connected with the transpacific shipping of significant quantities of raw materials and finished goods, we have developed thorough risk management systems, procedures, and controls over the years. We abide by the strictest standards for safety, health, and the environment (HSE). We have created a quantitative approach to our business and assets that continuously checks all risks, such as shipping, interest rates, foreign exchange, and credit issues, in order to meet the severe volatility of commodities prices. Every client receives a different approach from us. This enables us to determine the most effective collaboration strategies. We don't try to close a few profitable deals that don't take our partners' interests into account. We want to create a long-lasting business relationship! Our business aims to meet consumer demand by offering petroleum goods and transportation services.
Why Choose Us
Ensuring the Company's progressive development as one of the largest vertically integrated Kazakhstan producers of oil and gas, oil and gas processing and petrochemical products based on effective asset management of shareholders.
Our special purpose and our operational expertise in our business model will help realize our vision to grow our business in the oil and gas industry, while separating our environmental footprint from our growth and increasing social impact.
Our values define how we work and interact with our colleagues, partners, customers and consumers. Our four core values are honesty, responsibility, respect and reputation. As we enter new markets, recruit new talent.
What We Offer

Client Focus
Our approach is led by an unwavering focus on fully understanding the needs of clients and delivering on our promises, regardless of the scale or complexity of the challenge in hand. Working collaboratively with our clients, we develop bespoke teams and solutions from concept through every stage of the project to completion, ensuring the best expertise and resources are deployed to achieve the required time, cost, quality, safety and sustainability outcomes.

Ken-sary Refinery creates added value for its customers and for the society striving to preserve each of the six capitals (human, social, intellectual, manufacturing, natural and financial) Accountability. Shymkent Refinery is guided in its activities by both strategic long-term and tactical short-term interests of the Kazakhstan society as a whole, as the concurrent owner of the group and user of its activities

Working With Us
With a network of teams globally, we understand that every market is different. We work very hard to identify and develop solutions best for our clientele, helping them manage physical risk and optimize opportunities. Our trading presence is supported by a complementary infrastructure: storage, transport, distribution and a marketing network across four continents.